
Showing posts from July, 2019

Inquisitor Marius - Sample Chapter

Inquisitor Marius  The flames consumed her body, melting her skin apart from her flesh. She screamed in pain and in agony, her voice raised as she fought to free herself from the chains that tied her to the stake. “Damn you all!” she screamed. But the crowd below her had their thunderous voice to match her own. WITCH! TRAITOR! DIE, YOU TRAITOROUS BITCH! They all screamed at her, throwing insults at a woman who’s at the brink of death. Some hurled stones at her. Was it an attempt to end her life before the flames could rip her soul out? To save her from the slow and painful death that befalls? Marius do not know, nor did he cared. But to look at a woman dying at the stake was a disgusting sight for him. But it was his duty, his job, to drag whatever traitor he could find lurking in the corners who conspired against the throne. The ones who dared to betray his king – Arthur Pendragon. She’s a traitor, she deserved this. He watched the execution from the sides, behind a lin