"SHOCK AND AWE" Pt. 1 - Short Story From The Tenebrine War
Father and son stationed at Generohd - one a member of the Shock Division and the other, a soldier of the Hellchargers Regiment. But when Major Kyle orders a frontal assault against the Imperial forces through No Man's Land, Senior Sergeant Arthur Ryan lets go of his son Roland Abram to do his duty to king and country. AUTHOR'S NOTES: " Shock & Awe," will be released in two parts to avoid myself from burning out and procrastinating on writing the same story for a long time. Next part will be up as soon as possible as I wanted to focus on a few other stories before writing another part of this particular one. In the meantime, enjoy. Shock and Awe I. Senior Sergeant Arthur Ryan, 12 th Tenebrine Shock Division, Generohd, Southern Grecca, Delta Line, Army Group South, 30 th December 2341 Generohd – a vast plain of mud and dirt. The stench from the rotting corpses of both men and horses were unpleasant to us all, but nothing is much worse than the anticipa...