
Showing posts from May, 2019

Updates on A Field of Swords

A Field of Swords has been steadily progressing since the last sample chapter has been released. For quite a while, many changes have been made and numerous revisions as well as fixes have been done to make the writing a lot more better. So far, I have only written around 10%-20% of the book while the rest are still in progress. There's a lot of characters I need to keep track of. From the usual protagonists to the antagonists as well as the minor character that would help to push the story forward. All in all, I kept a small list of them so I can easily track their progress - either they're dead or alive is another matter entirely. Some of the stuff you've seen in the prologue are intended and can be changed accordingly. I also needed to flesh out the world more through the characters. Though I find it hard not to do it as a large paragraph of nothing more but exposition, I am still trying to do so without bore the reader. This has been Ryan Cay, signing out.

A Field of Swords: Prologue Chapter (sample)

Prologue Lord Percival Dragonstorm It was already evening and on that very day it was his son’s fifth birthday. If he was still a noble lord who lived in the halls of Dragonspire – the ancestral seat of his family, he would have ordered the people to set up for a feast to celebrate this auspicious day. But he no longer lived the wealthy life of being a nobleman who holds titles and lands, commanding entire hosts of armies into battle, or taking up his sword against his enemies. He had left that behind ten years ago. Percival now lived as a normal man with a mind that drives to live such a normal life. To live in peace. To be away from the world’s concerns. To be away from the shadows of war that haunts his father and his father before him. He owns a farm now, away from Camelot lands and resides within the borders of Grecca. Kaldir is where he makes his home. With his wife Ana, he lived within this small village where the people are just as friendly as they had always been. A bu