Updates on A Field of Swords

A Field of Swords has been steadily progressing since the last sample chapter has been released. For quite a while, many changes have been made and numerous revisions as well as fixes have been done to make the writing a lot more better. So far, I have only written around 10%-20% of the book while the rest are still in progress.

There's a lot of characters I need to keep track of. From the usual protagonists to the antagonists as well as the minor character that would help to push the story forward. All in all, I kept a small list of them so I can easily track their progress - either they're dead or alive is another matter entirely. Some of the stuff you've seen in the prologue are intended and can be changed accordingly.

I also needed to flesh out the world more through the characters. Though I find it hard not to do it as a large paragraph of nothing more but exposition, I am still trying to do so without bore the reader.

This has been Ryan Cay, signing out.


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