FACTION PRIMER: The Empire of Urmanea (The Tenebrine War)

Faction Primer: The Empire of Urmanea

 They claim that they are the true descendants of the old Empire of Jakhad sons of demigods and daughters of war. All I know about them is that those are nothing but propaganda hurled at their own people. Well, since when propaganda isnt used in times like these?~ Corporal David Anderson

The Empire of Urmanea or more commonly known as the Urmanean Empire is an imperial-based country with a powerful military might located on the west coast of the Judrahn continent. Controlling most of the western regions, the Empire thrives on its technological advancements and outputs in certain areas such as fuel and power, making them one of the more prosperous industrial nations of the continent aside from the Sovereignty of Tenebrine.

It is also one of the oldest factions that are established since the fall of the Empire of Jakhad two millennia prior. Starting off as a cluster of dozens – if not, hundreds of smaller states in the west coast, the rise of the state of Urmanea is a long and arduous journey filled with countless wars of unification, civil wars and a plague to finally establish the current Empire.

Currently (by 1st January 2342), the Empire is under the rule of Imperator Juneus Varn II. The hierarchal structure of the Empire is very monarchial based; with the eldest heir (whether male or female) shall take the throne should the current ruler died. The Emperor is often regarded as the supreme commander of the Urmanean Gohrkeun Div or the Urmanean Army Corps as well as the air force and navy, accompanied by his generals in the event of a war.

The Military Might of Urmanea

The Empire’s military is divided into several distinct “Divisions” which includes the aforementioned Gohrkeun Div, the Halsiegel Div (the Shocktrooper Corps), the Imaream Uldeon Vahs (the Imperial Air Force), the Nornmarinn (Imperial Navy) and the Urmanea Ayndov Skhor (Urmanean Intelligence Agency). Each of them has distinct roles in the Tenebrine War, with the Army Corps served as the backbone of Imperial advance while split up into several more divisions.

The Air Force’s power aren’t as dominant as the Tenebrine’s own, they are still a force to be reckon with, especially with the constant use of experimental weapons upon the battlefield – like the poisonous chemical gas that was first deployed at the Battle of Fairmaiden Hill in 2338, allowing the Imperial forces to secure their control on Northern Grecca before ending the Greccan Campaign a year after.

The Halsiegel Div is infamously known for its exceptional skills in combat and its efficiency in battle for many have noted of its existence as the earliest forms of specialized combat units, as they can be used for assaulting heavily defended trenches or conquering an entire fort with as little men as possible. Despite this, they are rivalled by Tenebrine’s own Shock Troopers that functions the same as the Halsiegel.

Stories, Reports and Articles

Here are the stories where certain individuals from the Urmanean Empire are featured as a perspective character. There will also be articles or reports that are linked to the Empire.


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