Battle Report: OPERATION THUNDER SPEAR - The Tenebrine War
Battle of Junerva, 2338 OPERATION: THUNDER SPEAR Commander: General Brooke 19 th June 2338 At 7.30 a.m., our army of 200 tanks and 26,700 men begin their assault on Fort Junerva. Members of the 3 rd Regiment, with around 300 men charged into the fray with support from the armored div., attacking the right flank of the Fort with the sole purpose of disabling the anti-armor weapons that our scouts have identified. Accompanied by two squads from the Shock Trooper Division (the ‘Hell Brigadiers’ and the ‘Scornful Bastards’), their mission is to clear a path for the other forces – especially our tanks – to begin the second phase of the operation. By 7.50 a.m., they were under heavy fire from the machine gunners holed up in their nests and were pinned if not for the coordinated attack by the Shock Troopers. Even with the use of the ‘female’ Griffin type tanks, they are suffering heavy casualties under constant bombardment by the anti-armor weapons. The two Shock Trooper Squ...
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